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Event Results JPC Aquatics Development (3rd

Events JPC Aquatics Development (3rd
Girl's 11 years
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
100m Medley

June swim meets
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Girl's 11 years 50m Breaststroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 40.84 Ashlee B Albany Creek 11 351
Personal Performance 2. 45.10 Amber D Super Fish Swim Club 11 260
Personal Performance 3. 45.19 Alexia C John Paul College Swim Club 11 259
Personal Performance 4. 46.09 Georgia C John Paul College Swim Club 11 244
Personal Performance 5. 46.39 Georgia G Jamboree Heights Swimming Club 11 239
6. 46.85 Amber W Southside Rockets Swim Club 11 232
7. 46.95 Rachael F John Paul College Swim Club 11 231
8. 48.15 Hayley P Sheldon Academy of Sport 11 214
9. 48.87 Candy T Redlands SC Inc 11 205
Personal Performance 10. 49.06 Lilly C Southside Aquatics 11 202
11. 51.73 Taylor M Sheldon Academy of Sport 11 173
12. 51.74 Georgia K Logan Vikings 11 172
13. 54.00 Mela G Sheldon Academy of Sport 11 152
Personal Performance 14. 54.51 Alexandrea R Southside Aquatics 11 147
Personal Performance 15. 54.62 Stephanie W Redlands SC Inc 11 147
16. 56.34 Annelise T John Paul College Swim Club 11 134
Meet Results
