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Event Results Round 7 - SWA OWS BHP Billiton Swim the Swan

Events Round 7 - SWA OWS BHP Billiton Swim the Swan
Women's 17 years and under
500m Freestyle
1250m Freestyle
2500m Freestyle
5000m Freestyle

February swim meets
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Swan River, Perth
Women's 17 years and under 500m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
1. 7:53.91 Emily A Westside Christ Church Aquatic 17
Personal Performance 2. 8:23.57 Louise F West Coast 11
3. 9:04.37 Bella D South Shore 12
4. 9:49.26 Kate O Kingsway Swimming Club 12
5. 9:51.52 Lily F Unattached WA 12
6. 9:51.86 Emma B Collie 13
Meet Results
