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Magdalena E

Immediate competition in 100m Freestyle.

Gretchen WNAC 53.13
Alex WNAC 55.60
Annika PPAC 56.22
Tess SSCST 58.78
Kamile ZHOSC 59.42
Emily BDCST 59.66
Katie KPPD 59.93
Emma GGU 1:05.31
Rachel LGU 1:05.48
Anna DFMC 1:05.66

Broward Aquatic Swimming Club 9 years 100m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
23 Jul 2009 1:17.14 Magdalena E 09FGLongCourseJO-072309-PST
25 Jun 2009 1:19.23 Magdalena E SARASOTA YMCA SHARKS--SHARK OPEN
15 May 2009 1:20.96 Magdalena E 09FGCBroward-LCM-Invite-PST-051509-fg13
18 Jun 2004 1:21.85 Skye G 2004 SHARK OPEN
20 Jun 2003 1:24.71 Amanda K 2003 SHARK OPEN
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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