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My Swim Results

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PB Club Level

PB Club Level

Achieved a Personal Best at a club level competition
DateDescriptionMeet NameTime
30 Nov 2023Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)SLD Club Night November 2023 47.66
25 Jan 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)SLD January Club Night 2024 41.96
29 Feb 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)SLD Club Night February 2024 54.65
26 May 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)SLD CLUB Night May 2024 40.81
27 Jun 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)SLD CLUB Night June 2024 39.45
18 Jul 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)SLD CLUB Night July 2024 37.89
Backstroke finalist

Backstroke finalist

Fastest 8 at a Qualifying Meet level competition
DateDescriptionMeet NameTime
5 Jan 202450m Backstroke finalistSwimming WA LC Rookie Meet 58.17
Breaststroke finalist

Breaststroke finalist

Fastest 8 at a Qualifying Meet level competition
DateDescriptionMeet NameTime
20 Jan 202450m Breaststroke finalistWestern Sprint and Central Aquatic LC Classic 57.27
Backstroke Qualifying Meet Medallist

Backstroke Qualifying Meet Medallist

Fastest 3 at a Qualifying Meet level competition
DateDescriptionMeet NameTime
5 Jan 202450m Backstroke medallistSwimming WA LC Rookie Meet 58.17
PB Qualifying Meet Level

PB Qualifying Meet Level

Achieved a Personal Best at a Qualifying Meet level competition.
DateDescriptionMeet NameTime
9 Dec 2023Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)KWI-ROC LC Carnival Meet 44.16
9 Dec 2023Personal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (LC)KWI-ROC LC Carnival Meet 58.17
20 Jan 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (LC)Western Sprint and Central Aquatic LC Classic 57.27
16 Feb 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)Swimming WA Junior Challenge and National Pre 40.99
16 Feb 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (LC)Swimming WA Junior Challenge and National Pre 56.89
3 Mar 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)2024 St Hildas Swim Club Carnival 40.95
3 Mar 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)2024 St Hildas Swim Club Carnival 51.54
16 Jun 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)South Lake Dolphins Short Course Carnival 39.93
16 Jun 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (SC)South Lake Dolphins Short Course Carnival 49.57
20 Jul 2024Personal Best time for the 100m Freestyle (SC)2024 Swimming WA Short Course Qual 2 1:28.43
20 Jul 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (SC)2024 Swimming WA Short Course Qual 2 47.77
20 Jul 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (SC)2024 Swimming WA Short Course Qual 2 53.54
28 Jul 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (SC)South Shore Super Sprint - IM Skins 47.12
28 Jul 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Butterfly (SC)South Shore Super Sprint - IM Skins 54.65
28 Jul 2024Personal Best time for the 100m Medley (SC)South Shore Super Sprint - IM Skins 1:45.37
12 Oct 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)SWA 2024-25 LC Season Opener 37.19
12 Oct 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)SWA 2024-25 LC Season Opener 46.31
12 Oct 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (LC)SWA 2024-25 LC Season Opener 49.62
PB State Level

PB State Level

Achieved a Personal Best at a state level competition.
DateDescriptionMeet NameTime
31 Aug 2024Personal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)2024 SWA Junior SC Championships 37.80
Relay team PB (State Level)

Relay team PB (State Level)

Add up the PB's for the swimmers to see if the time is faster than the theoretical fastest time
DateDescriptionMeet NameTime
31 Aug 20244x50 Freestyle relay2024 SWA Junior SC Championships
31 Aug 20244x50 Medley relay2024 SWA Junior SC Championships