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Individual Points Statement

9 Mar 20232023 Victorian Age LC Championships
Butterfly finalist200m Butterfly finalist30
PB State LevelPersonal Best time for the 200m Butterfly (LC)30
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team40
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
11 Mar 2023Butterfly finalist100m Butterfly finalist30
PB State LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Butterfly (LC)30
7 Apr 20232023 Australian Age & MC Age Championships
National level participationParticipated at a national level competition30
16 Dec 20232024 Victorian Age LC Championships
Butterfly finalist200m Butterfly finalist30
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team20
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Please note that points generally expire after 2 years.