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My Swim Results

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Individual Points Statement

4 Feb 2023Club Championships 4 Feb 23
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)10
26 May 2023Club Swim Friday 26th May 2023
Club participationSwam at a club meet5
3 Jun 20232023 Red Dust Holdings Short Course Classic
Individual Medley Qualifying Meet Finalist100m Medley finalist50
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist50m Freestyle finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Butterfly (SC)30
4 Jun 2023Breaststroke finalist50m Breaststroke finalist20
Breaststroke finalist100m Breaststroke finalist20
11 Jun 20232023 SC Officials Pentathlon
Qualifying Meet level participationParticipated in more than 3 events at a Qualifying Meet level competition10
20 Aug 2023Breakers Club Swim Aug 23
Club participationSwam at a club meet5
Please note that points generally expire after 2 years.