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My Swim Results

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Individual Points Statement

29 Oct 2022OWS Series Round 2: Leighton
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist5000m Freestyle finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet Medallist5000m Freestyle medallist50
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 5000m Freestyle (OW)30
Top 5 Male Swimmers of the Meet800 Points Scored for swim meet. Ranked # 1100
5 min Time SaverSaved 334 seconds in Personal Bests700
12 Nov 2022OWS Series Round 3 - 5km State Championships
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist2500m Freestyle finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet Medallist2500m Freestyle medallist50
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 2500m Freestyle (OW)30
Points expire after 2 years. There are 900 points expiring inside the next month.