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Individual Points Statement

12 Apr 20232023 TYR Pro Series - Westmont
Freestyle state finalist800m Freestyle finalist30
Freestyle State Medallist800m Freestyle medallist60
Top 5 Female Swimmers of the Meet510 Points Scored for swim meet. Ranked # 1100
90 sec Time SaverSaved 98 seconds in Personal Bests300
14 Apr 2023Freestyle state finalist400m Freestyle finalist30
15 Apr 2023Freestyle state finalist1500m Freestyle finalist30
Freestyle State Medallist1500m Freestyle medallist60
6 Mar 20242024 TYR Pro Swim Series - Westmont
Freestyle National finalist800m Freestyle finalist60
8 Mar 2024Freestyle National finalist400m Freestyle finalist60
9 Mar 2024Freestyle National finalist1500m Freestyle finalist60
Freestyle state National Medallist1500m Freestyle medallist120
Please note that points generally expire after 2 years.