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My Swim Results

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Individual Points Statement

10 Dec 20222022 McDonald's Queensland Championships
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket4 benchmarks crossed600
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team40
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
13 Dec 2022PB State LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)30
9 Dec 20232023 Queensland Championships
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket1 benchmarks crossed150
14 Dec 2023PB State LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Butterfly (LC)30
2 Mar 20242024 Wide Bay Long Course Championships
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)30
3 Mar 2024Butterfly finalist50m Butterfly finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Butterfly (LC)30
Please note that points generally expire after 2 years.