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My Swim Results

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Individual Points Statement

29 Oct 2022OWS Series Round 2: Leighton
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist1000m Freestyle finalist20
12 Nov 2022OWS Series Round 3 - 5km State Championships
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 1000m Freestyle (OW)30
2 min Time SaverSaved 150 seconds in Personal Bests400
11 Dec 2022Spring into Summer Carnival Vic Park 2022
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist200m Freestyle finalist20
Backstroke finalist200m Backstroke finalist20
Backstroke finalist100m Backstroke finalist20
Backstroke Qualifying Meet Medallist200m Backstroke medallist50
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 200m Backstroke (LC)30
31 Dec 2022OWS Series Round 6
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist1000m Freestyle finalist20
14 Jan 2023OWS Series Round 7: Coogee
Qualifying Meet level participationParticipated in more than 3 events at a Qualifying Meet level competition10
25 Jan 2023Ocean Swim Festival
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist1250m Freestyle finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 1250m Freestyle (OW)30
5 min Time SaverSaved 391 seconds in Personal Bests700
4 Feb 2023GKDSC 2023 LC 1
Club participationSwam at a club meet5
Points expire after 2 years. There are 20 points expiring inside the next month.