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Individual Points Statement

11 Nov 2022UWA-West Coast Club Night #05 LC-20221111
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)10
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)10
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (LC)10
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket4 benchmarks crossed600
Top 5 Female Swimmers of the Meet630 Points Scored for swim meet. Ranked # 1100
26 Nov 20222022 Uwa-West Coast Challenge
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist50m Freestyle finalist20
Backstroke finalist50m Backstroke finalist20
Breaststroke finalist50m Breaststroke finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)30
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket1 benchmarks crossed150
3 Feb 2023UWSC Club Night #06 LC-20230203
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (LC)10
10 Feb 20232023 SWA Club Premierships A Division
Backstroke finalist50m Backstroke finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)30
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket1 benchmarks crossed150
17 Mar 2023UWSC Club Night#07 LC-20230317
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Freestyle (LC)10
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)10
12 May 2023UWSC Club Night #08 SC-20230512
Interclub swim meet participationRepresented your club at a Interclub Competition10
9 Jun 2023UWSC Club Night #09 SC-20230609
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)10
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Freestyle (SC)10
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket1 benchmarks crossed150
18 Jun 2023South Lake Dolphins Short Course Carnival
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist50m Freestyle finalist20
Butterfly finalist50m Butterfly finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)30
12 Nov 20232023 UWA-West Coast Challenge
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist100m Freestyle finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist50m Freestyle finalist20
Backstroke finalist50m Backstroke finalist20
Breaststroke finalist50m Breaststroke finalist20
Breaststroke Qualifying Meet Medallist50m Breaststroke medallist50
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Freestyle (LC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (LC)30
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket1 benchmarks crossed150
8 Dec 2023UWA-West Coast XMAS Club Night #02 LC-2023120
Club participationSwam at a club meet5
19 Dec 20232023-24 Hancock Prospecting WA Relay Champs
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team60
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team60
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team60
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team60
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team60
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team60
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team participation (State level)Participated in a relay team60
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Freestyle relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
Relay team PB (State Level)4x50 Medley relay80
2 Feb 2024UWA-West Coast Night #03 LC-20240202
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)10
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (LC)10
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket3 benchmarks crossed450
Top 5 Female Swimmers of the Meet470 Points Scored for swim meet. Ranked # 1100
3 Mar 20242024 St Hildas Swim Club Carnival
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist200m Freestyle finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist100m Freestyle finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist50m Freestyle finalist20
Backstroke finalist100m Backstroke finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet Medallist200m Freestyle medallist50
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (LC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Freestyle (LC)30
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket2 benchmarks crossed300
22 Mar 20242023-24 Aqua Technics Junior State Champs
State level participationParticipated in more than 3 events at a state level competition15
10 May 2024CLUB NIGHT #05 SC-20240510
Interclub swim meet participationRepresented your club at a Interclub Competition10
7 Jun 2024UWA West Coast Club Night #6 SC-20240607
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Freestyle (SC)10
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 200m Freestyle (SC)10
22 Jun 2024Breakers Big Splash June 2024
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist50m Freestyle finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist200m Freestyle finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist100m Freestyle finalist20
Backstroke finalist50m Backstroke finalist20
Freestyle Qualifying Meet Medallist100m Freestyle medallist50
Freestyle Qualifying Meet Medallist200m Freestyle medallist50
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Freestyle (SC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 200m Freestyle (SC)30
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket1 benchmarks crossed150
12 Jul 2024UWA-West Coast Club Night #07 SC20240712
Club participationSwam at a club meet5
20 Jul 20242024 Swimming WA Short Course Qual 2
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Backstroke (SC)30
Please note that points generally expire after 2 years.