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Swim Meet - UWSC Club Night 02-LC-20201106

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Venue:HBF Stadium
When:Friday, 6 November 2020Export to calendar
Hosted:UWA-West Coast Swimming Club


Kate Reynolds, Club Night Coordinator

Phone: 0420 503 706 


9:00pm on Tuesday, 3 November 2020.


Warm-up:           4:00pm-4:50pm (Lanes 1-4);

Racing:                5:00pm-7:30pm (Lanes 1-8).


$17.60 (incl. GST) per entrant. Max. 4 events per swimmer.


  • All events are open to UWA-West Coast ‘Competitive’ members and squad participants.
  • Squad swimmers who are not members of the Club are welcome to attend as ‘Visitors’, but if they’ve not previously swum at a Club Night then will need a My Swim Results entry link. Please email your name, date-of-birth and address along with the name and date-of-birth of a Guardian (emergency contact) to [email protected], following which access to the online entry link will be provided.
  • Only Swimming WA registered ‘competitive’ members (on the day of the meet) are eligible for times swum to be recognised for future sanctioned online meet entries. Any ‘visitor’ wanting to become a UWA-West Coast member is encouraged to contact Natalie Wilson at [email protected].
  • Entries to events will close if the number of entries exceed a reasonable finish time;
  • Times achieved by ‘visitors’ will be posted on the Club’s website, but are not “official” times;
  • All swimmers are expected to provide at least one volunteer to the timekeeping roster; &
  • The Meet Director and/or Club Night Coordinator reserve the right to cancel any event if required to fit within the allocated timeframe.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Tuesday, 1 January 2019 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool..

Event Entry Fee: $18.57

Estimated Timeline
INFO UWSC CN LC02-20201106
Swmm7BkupUWSC CLUB NIGHT 02-LC-20201106-02
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)