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Swim Meet - Breakers Big Splash

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Venue:HBF Arena, Joondalup
When:Sunday, 1 August 2021Export to calendar
Hosted:Breakers Swim Club

Warmup starts at 8 am with Racing starting at 9 am

Warmup / Cool down

The indoor 10 lane pool will be split into so the competition can be run in the western end of the pool and the eastern end of the pool can be used for warmup / cool down. Please note that when in the warmup end of the pool:-

  • there will be no stopping at the wall with the competition end. A rope across the pool will serve as a reminder.
  • no diving
  • There will be some lanes allocated to the public in the morning in the eastern end. Please use the reserved lanes.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Wednesday, 1 January 2020 from the best of either a Short Course (25m) or Long Course (50m) times..

Estimated Timeline (v1)
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)
Timekeeper Roster