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Swim Meet - 2021 Hancock Prospecting WA Short Course Championships

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Venue:HBF Stadium
When:Friday, 20 - Sunday, 22 August 2021Export to calendar
Hosted:Swimming WA

Members with their birthday between 20th August and 4th of September who are turning 13 for Girls and 14 for boys - will be eligible to enter the State Age Championships as a 13 year old Girl or 14 year old boy provided they meet the Girls 13 year old or Boys 14 year old qualifying times.

Junior Championships is available on the 4th and 5th of September for boys 9 to 13 years or 9 to 12 years girls. (with the exception noted above.)

Minimum age for championships is 13 for Girls and 14 for Boys. Age calculated at the first day of the meet.

The meet includes both the Open and Age group championship events. An age group swimmer who is Male 17 & under or Female 16 & under meeting the qualifying time for both their Age group and Open can enter both events. Be advised that the program has the events close together. The Mens 18 to 19 years will be swum together with the Open event and those swimmers who qualify for both will have to make a choice to swim either their Age group or Open event. Womens 17 to 18 years will be swum together with the Open event and those swimmers who qualify for both will have to make a choice to swim either their Age group or Open event.

Friday warmup starts at 2:30pm for a 3:30pm start.
Saturday warmup starts at 8:00am for a 9:00am start.
Sunday warmup starts at 8:00am for a 9:00am start.

Swimmers are required to register their "intent to swim" for the 800m and 1500m Freestyle events.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Wednesday, 1 January 2020 from a Short Course (25m) pool. If no time is available, then it will look at the Long Course (50m) times..

2021 State SC QT
Estimated Timeline Updated Aug 22
Program Updated Aug 20
Swmm8Bkup2021 Hancock Prospecting WA Short Course
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)
Timekeeper Roster Updated Aug 19