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Swim Meet - 2021 Swimming WA April Bonanza

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Venue:HBF Stadium
When:Friday, 9 - Monday, 12 April 2021Export to calendar
Hosted:Swimming WA
The 2021 Swimming WA April Bonanza has been created due to Western Australian Athletes being rendered unable to attend the 2021 Australian Age Swimming Championships and 2021 Australian Swimming Championships due to the Queensland COVID-19 outbreak.
The Meet will run from Friday 9 Arpil - Monday 12 April featuring a program similar to the one on offer at Nationals.
Para Swimmers - Please note, MC Events will be swimming with able-bodied swimmers.
Swimming WA is pleased to announce the addition of the SPIRIT award for the Meet. Each day will see $1000 awarded to the Club that best exhibits the Swimming WA values.
More awards and events to be announced shortly.
For any further enquiries with regards to this event, please contact Will Rollo, via [email protected] 
Heats - 8am warm up, 9 start
Finals - 4pm warm up, 5 start
6 April: Each Relay event has Open and Age group categories which mirror the Australian Championships age groups (with the exception of the 4x50 Open events). The differing age groups will be swum together in the same event and the results will be automatically split out into their respective age groups according to the age group choosen during entry.
There is no requirement for "Relay Only" swimmers to register separately. They just need to be assigned to a relay when the club submits their entries online.
Relays do need to meet the qualifying time on entry.
Finals will be swam as Open Age with A, B, & C Finals on offer. Age swimmers will be reported in their dedicated age groups to ensure the times are recognised by Swimming Australia.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Wednesday, 1 January 2020 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool..

Estimated Timeline
Friday Night Estimated Timeline
Friday Night Program
Monday Night Program
Monday Night Timeline
Saturday Night Program
Saturday Night Timeline
Sunday Night Program
Sunday Night Timeline
Swmm8Bkup2021 April Bonanza-entries
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)
Timekeeper Roster