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Swim Meet - 2022 Swimming WA Junior Long Course Championships

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Venue:HBF Stadium, Mt Claremont
When:Friday, 25 - Sunday, 27 March 2022Export to calendar
Hosted:Swimming WA
Day Warm up Start First Race
Friday Evening 5:00 pm 6:00 pm
Saturday Morning 8:00 am 9:00 am
Saturday Afternoon


(Boys 11-13 400m Free can enter at 11:00am)

12:00 pm
Sunday Morning 8:00 am 9:00 am
Sunday Afternoon 11:00am 12:00 pm

All events will be swum as timed finals.

9 year olds can compete in 200m Freestyle & 200m IM provided they meet the 10 year old qualifying time.

21 Mar: Previously Saturday and Sunday events were rescheduled to better accomodate COVID capacity limits at the venue. Event numbering have now been altered to better suit the updated program.

Electronic marshalling will be used for the championships. If you have a membership card from previous seasons then feel free to bring it down to marshalling otherwise printed cards will be available during warmup.

25 Mar: Please let us know as early as possible if you are needing to scratch from events. Easiest way to do that is to use the email Swimming WA or My Swim Results here.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Wednesday, 1 January 2020 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool..

2022 WA Junior Swimming Championships - Event Prog
Estimated Timeline
Qualifying Times
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)
Timekeeper Roster