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Swim Meet - 2021 South West Region Carnival

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Venue:South West Sport Centre
When:Sunday, 7 November 2021Export to calendar
Hosted:South West Region

Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings in all age groups for 50m & 100m events:
8yrs, 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs, 14yrs, 15yrs, 16yrs & 17yrs & Over.  200m events will be awarded medals in their divisions.  400m and above event medals will be awarded as per an Open event. (Male Medals/Female Medals).  Inter Club Relays:  The winning Club will be award with the Perpetual Trophy to be retained until the next South West Region Open Carnival plus a replica trophy to keep permanently.  Swimmers /Teams who break Meet Records will receive Record Certificates. 8 Year olds are able to compete in 50m Backstroke, Breaststroke & Freestyle.  8 Year Olds will receive a participation award.   Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Placings.

All Events will be conducted as timed finals.  Cut off times for the 400m Freestyle (6.00:00), 400m IM (6.30:00) and 800m Freestyle (12.00:00) Event 50 is the Interclub Relay.  ONLY 1 Team per club.  Each team is to consist of 6 swimmers, with at least one boy or one girl.  The cumulative age of the swimmers in the relay team must be 80 years or less.  Event 47,48 & 49 are Mixed Age Group Relays and they must consist of one boy or girl.  Relays are to be nominated with Individual entries.  Changes to ALL relay’s swimmer names are to be submitted on the day (prior to 10.00am).  After names have been submitted there will be NO Reshuffle of relays allowed, unless there is a legitimate reason for the swimmer to withdraw and it will be at the Referees discretion to allow a replacement.
Warm -Up is from 8:00AM til 8:30 AM.  The presentation of the South West Region Squad will take place at 8.45am.
Pool Entry will be collected at the venue on the day.

Meet is open to clubs in the South West region which include:-

  • Australind
  • Bunbury
  • Busselton
  • Collie
  • GMAS
  • Harvey
  • Mandurah
  • Manjimup Marlins
  • Margaret River
  • Peel Aquatic
  • Pinjarra
  • Waroona Amateur Swimming Club

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Wednesday, 1 January 2020 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool..

Seating Plan 2021
Timekeeper Roster