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Swim Meet - Peel End of Summer Carnival

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Venue:Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre
When:Sunday, 20 March 2022Export to calendar
Hosted:Peel Aquatic Club

8am warm up for 9am start.

1st March: We have had to make some changes to our event based upon advice we have received regarding the covid restrictions so there will only be 1 spectator per family permitted. 

Number of competitors now limited to 300.

3rd MarchAll competitors 8 years and over are now required to wear a mask.

Due to covid restrictions and the need to cap the number of competitors, Peel Aquatic Club politely request that all competitors consider entering a minimum of 3 events. It would be a shame for too many competitor places being used for single event entries.

18th March: For all attendees this weekend please make sure you:

1. Check in on arrival at the Mandurah Recreation & Aquatic Centre.

2. Wear a mask(8yrs and over), even in marshalling and check starting. Masks can be removed behind the blocks and placed in NAMED ZIP LOCK bags so we suggest your swimmer brings a small marshalling back so if its breezy they wont blow away. 

3. Maintain social distancing.

4. If you or your swimmer has a mask exemption please bring it along with you.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and look forward to seeing you all on Sunday morning.


Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Friday, 1 January 2021 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool..

Estimated Timeline
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)
Timekeeper Roster