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Swim Meet - National Prep Meet 2

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Venue:HBF Stadium Outdoor 10 Lane Pool
When:Sunday, 19 March 2023Export to calendar
Hosted:Swimming WA

Age calculated as at 7 Apr 2023.
Open to Age and Open athletes only.

AA Qualifying times.

15 Mar: This meet will be conducted in the outdoor 10 lane pool with full timing setup (i.e. touchpads and buttons) similar to that used inside. This is an outdoor pool which will mirror the outdoor pool used at nationals. When setting up for day - please be SunSmart and keep Hydrated.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Saturday, 1 October 2022 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool..

Estimated Timeline
Swmm8Bkup2023 SWA National Preparation Meet 2-01
Timekeeper Roster