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Swim Meet - Bunbury Swimming Club Time Trials Round 2

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Venue:South West Sports Centre
When:Friday, 23 June 2023Export to calendar
Hosted:Bunbury Swimming Club Incorpor

Bunbury Swimming Club Time Trials Round 2

Club time trials is ideal for both novice and experienced swimmers and is a great way to measure improvement and gain race practice in a fun and relaxed environment.


Please choose your entries carefully! There is a maximum of 4 individual entries. If you did not swim the 50m Freestyle in Round 1, please enter in this event to ensure your selection in Ciffolilli Shield Relay Teams. 


This meet will include the Davies Cup 50m fly semi-final (those who competed in this event in round 1, please select Event 1 for this round) and also the Neil Earl qualifier for 100m Freestyle (Event 4). To keep the number of Time Trial events manageable there will be only one qualifying swim for each cup. Swimmers who want to swim in the cup semi-finals must enter these qualifying events. 


Please arrive at 5:30pm for a warm-up.  Timekeepers to be seated at 5:45pm. The meet will commence strictly at 6pm and run for approximately 45 minutes. The SWSC closes at 7pm, so please prepare to exit swiftly after the meet has finished.


To ensure the smooth running of the meet, a parent or guardian is required from each family to help out with poolside duties such as timekeeping. It is also a great way to meet other parents. 

The meet will be held at Southwest Sports Centre, Rotary Drive, Withers. There is no charge for entries. If you have any queries or experience difficulties with the online entry form, please contact [email protected]


Unfortunately, no late entries will be accepted to keep organisation of these events manageable for our volunteers. Please note that to be eligible for awards in the Club Championships at the end of the season swimmers much have competed in a minimum of 4 Time Trial rounds (with a minimum of 3 swims in each). For more detailed information please refer to the By-laws available on the website. 

Please note that all entry times must have been achieved since, 24 March 2023 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Friday, 24 March 2023 and must have been achieved in a Long Course (50m) pool..