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Swim Meet - Golden Groper State Relay Carnival 2021

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Venue:HBF Stadium
When:Saturday, 11 September 2021Export to calendar
Hosted:Claremont Masters

warm-up 12:45pm, meet start 1:30pm

The meet is OPEN to all Masters Swimmers.

All MSWA Clubs are invited to submit teams for the events in standard relay age groups.

Changes to listed teams will be allowed on the day provided sufficient notice is given.


  • Masters Swimming Australia swim rules apply to this meet.
  • Only one team per age group will qualify for points. Additional relay teams may be entered.
  • Overall winner trophy, plus age group trophies to be awarded.
  • All participating Clubs are to provide timekeepers. Electronic timing – no stop watches needed.
  • Cost of meet entry is $25 per swimmer which includes entry to the pool, and pizza/drinks after the event.
  • Refreshments will be provided afterwards in the UWA Hockey clubrooms, outside the HBF complex, opposite the Royal Life Saving building
  • Online entry via MySwimResults
    • Individual entries close Wed 1 September
    • Relays to be entered by Sun 5 September – either via MySwimResults or Team Manager file email to [email protected] .

Event 4 DASH FOR CASH is a not-for-points and non-recordable event. This event does not require pre-entry. On the day, select your fastest six swimmers of any age group, with at least two females. These six swimmers should assemble in the marshalling area when Event 4 is called. The team with the fastest time will receive $300. Prize money will be deposited to a nominated Club account. Clubs with fewer than 10 swimmers in attendance on the day are permitted to combine with another club (both clubs must have fewer than 10 swimmers).

If you are responsible for entering the relay teams online on behalf of your club and haven't received your link to enter then please contact us.

Event Entry Fee: $26.38

Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)