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Swim Meet - Club Premierships

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Venue:HBF Stadium, Mt Claremont
When:Friday, 11 - Saturday, 12 February 2022Export to calendar
Hosted:Swimming WA

Entries into these meets are done by your club. Please let your club know that you are available.

All entrants must be 2021/22 Annual, Junior Dolphins, or Social Participation members of Swimming WA. Any club who fields an unregistered swimmer will be subject to disqualification.

Two reserves for individual events must be named. No other swimmer may start. The Team Manager must submit substitution slips to the meet director at least five events prior to the substitution. Any club failing to do so will be unable to claim times swum.

The Team Manager MUST submit substitution slips to the meet director at least five events prior to the substitution. Any club failing to do so will be unable to claim times swum.

Completed relay splits must be submitted during the warmup session, only swimmers listed may start (2 reserves for freestyle relays and 4 reserves for medley relays)

All Divisions: 8 year old swimmers are eligible to swim in 9 years and under 50m Free, 50m Backstroke and 50m Breaststroke and the "10 and under relays" only.

A Division: Each club must compete in minimum of 36 individual events and 10 relay events. Swimmers can compete in a maximum of 2 individual events and any number of relays.

B Division: Each club must compete in minimum of 30 individual events and 8 relay events. Swimmers can compete in a maximum of 2 individual events and any number of relays.

C & D Division: Swimmers can compete in a maximum of 2 individual events in their age group and another 2 in older age groups.

A & B Division 10x50m Freestyle relay: Teams must have 1 boy and 1 girl in each of the following age groups: "8-9 years", "9-11 Years", "9-13 years", "9-15 years" and "Open".

C & D Division: Mixed Relay must consist of 2 male and 2 female swimmers.

Points awarded for placings: Individual: 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Relays: 20, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

  A Division B Division C & D Division
Date: Friday 11 Feb Sat 12 Feb Sat 12 Feb
Warmup: 5:00 pm 8:00 am 12:00 pm
March past: 6:15 pm 9:00 am 1:00 pm
Start time: 6:30 pm 9:15 am 1:15 pm
  Bottom 2 club are relegated to B Division for 2023 Top 2 clubs advance to A division while the bottom 2 clubs are relegated to C division for 2023 Top 2 clubs in C division advance to B Division. C Division Bottom club relegated to D Division. D Division top club advance to C Division.
Live Stream:

Lane Allocations

Lane A Grade B Grade C Division D Division
1 Rockingham Kwinana   Highlanders
2 Southside Penrhos Wesley Southlake Dolphins Canning Districts North Coast
3 St Hildas Riverton Newman Churchlands Armadale Kelmscott
4 UWA West Coast South Shore Central Aquatic Lesmurdie Legends
5 Westside Christchurch Arena Western Sprint Aqua Attack
6 Breakers Guildford Kalamunda Curtin University Victoria Park Riverside
7 Scarborough Beach All Saints Claremont Aquatic (lane 6) AquaJets
8 Perth City Fremantle    

My Swim Results is able to prepare an excel spreadsheet for your club which you can easily update online with the team. If you are interested in this method - please contact My Swim Results. This method allows for a group of coaches to collaborate on the same spreadsheet online by simply filling in the "yellow cells". Typing into the cells will allow Swimmers names to be selected. Updates to the team are recorded automatically. The alternative is to submit a Team Manager entry file.

Clubs need to submit their march past music by the 3rd of February.

Please note that Team Manager and Meet Manager do not support more than 8 swimmers in a relay so the 10x50 relay team members will need to be nominated separately.

2022 Club Premierships Empty Meet Mgr Databases
Club Premiership Substitution Slip
estimated timeline - a division
estimated timeline - b division
estimated timeline - c and d division
March Past Order
Meet Events-2022 SWA Club Premiership C - D Divisi
Meet Events-2022 SWA Club Premierships A Division- Event 62 is a 10x50m freestyle relay
Meet Events-2022 SWA Club Premierships B Division- Event 60 is a 10x50m freestyle relay
Program A Division
Program B Division
Program C & D Division
Relay Slips
Timekeeper Roster