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Swim Meet - 2022 Swimming WA Junior Short Course Championships

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Venue:HBF Stadium, Mt Claremont
When:Saturday, 3 - Sunday, 4 September 2022Export to calendar
Hosted:Swimming WA

Saturday and Sunday warmup starts at 8:00 am for a 9:00 am start.

All events are swum as timed finals.

Any number of relay teams can be submitted per club for single gender relays. Mixed relays are made up of two of each gender with only one team entry per club.

Important: If a swimmer has qualified for an event which is no longer available, please register for the waitlist for that event.

Entries are due to close on the 29th of August. Don't wait until the last minute to enter in the hope for a better entry time. Entering early and then achieving a faster time is perfect. The faster entry time will be automatically picked up by the entries system.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Tuesday, 1 January 2019 from a Short Course (25m) pool. If no time is available, then it will look at the Long Course (50m) times..

2022 Junior Short Course Championships Official Pr
2022 SC QT
Estimated Timeline
Swmm8Bkup2022 SWA Junior SC Championships-01
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)
Timekeeper Roster