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Genesis Aquatics 2023 Transition Meet - Club Stats

Month Year
October 2024
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December 2023
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July 2023
June 2023
May 2023

The Lakes College SC

Merida Corr
# Event Time Splits Previous Best Improvement
6B 50m Backstroke (Final) 47.47
18B 50m Freestyle (Final) 37.83 37.85 00.02 Club Record
20C 100m Freestyle (Final) 1:27.16 1:27.32 00.16 Club Record
Nikola Maljkovic
# Event Time Splits Previous Best Improvement
38A 100m Backstroke (Final) 1:20.60 Club Record
40A 50m Breaststroke (Final) 45.74 49.76 04.02
48A 50m Butterfly (Final) 37.02 40.30 03.28
36A 50m Freestyle (Final) 31.54 32.64 01.10
Bailey Nunan
# Event Time Splits Previous Best Improvement
42B 50m Backstroke (Final) 36.97 46.00 09.03 Club Record
40B 50m Breaststroke (Final) 41.52 48.58 07.06
36B 50m Freestyle (Final) 28.53 33.92 05.39
50B 100m Freestyle (Final) 1:10.68 1:20.50 09.82
46B 200m Medley (Final) 3:02.89
Logan Nunan
# Event Time Splits Previous Best Improvement
40B 50m Breaststroke (Final) 43.98 44.53 00.55
44B 100m Breaststroke (Final) 1:38.53 1:54.66 16.13
36B 50m Freestyle (Final) 30.93 31.05 00.12
50B 100m Freestyle (Final) 1:16.04 1:21.77 05.73
32B 200m Freestyle (Final) 2:40.74 3:05.03 24.29 Club Record

The Lakes College SC Stats for the Swim Meet

Number Swimmers 4
Number Swims 17
Female PB's 2 (66.7%)
Male PB's 12 (85.7%)
Total PB's 14 (82.4%)
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