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Event Results Meet in Devonport

Events Meet in Devonport
Girl's 14 to 15 years
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
100m Butterfly
100m Freestyle
200m Medley

February swim meets
Saturday, 12 February 2011 to Sunday, 13 February 2011
Girl's 14 to 15 years 100m Butterfly
Time Name Club Age FINA PS AA PS Splits Ranking
1. 1:14.33 Meikayla H Sandy Bay 15 429 30
2. 1:16.67 Nikki W Richmond Swim Club 14 391 28
Personal Performance 3. 1:17.09 Olivia S Sandy Bay 15 385 26
Personal Performance 4. 1:18.64 Samantha J Richmond Swim Club 15 362 24
5. 1:18.83 Ashleigh T Richmond Swim Club 14 360 24
6. 1:20.38 Calico Y Richmond Swim Club 15 339 21
Personal Performance 7. 1:22.93 Courtney B South Esk 14 309 18
8. 1:22.96 Tayla H Launceston Aquatic 15 309 17
9. 1:45.26 Maddie J Sandy Bay 14 151
10. 1:45.61 Skye M Burnie Amateur 15 150
Meet Results
