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Event Results February Last Chance Meet

Events February Last Chance Meet
Girl's 8 years and under
25y Backstroke
25y Breaststroke
25y Butterfly
25y Freestyle
50y Freestyle
100y Medley

February swim meets
Saturday, 18 February 2012
National Training Center
Splits Graph
Girl's 8 years and under 100m Medley
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 1:28.95 Gracie K Southwest Stars Swim Club 8 Splits
2. 1:34.88 Mia Y Fast Lane Aquatics 8 Splits
3. 1:41.70 Leigha O Fast Lane Aquatics 7 Splits
Personal Performance 4. 1:57.51 Tara W Southwest Stars Swim Club 8 Splits
5. 1:59.69 Giulliana P Southwest Stars Swim Club 8 Splits
Personal Performance 6. 2:02.97 Valerie W Southwest Stars Swim Club 8 Splits
Meet Results
