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Event Results Emu Park Novice Nov 2013

Events Emu Park Novice Nov 2013
Girl's 6 years and under
25m Backstroke
25m Breaststroke
25m Butterfly
25m Freestyle

November swim meets
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Emu Park Swimming Pool, Don Ireland Complex
Girl's 6 years and under 25m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 28.37 Marlee C Caribeae Rocky Crocs 6
Personal Performance 2. 31.49 Billie S Emu Park SC Inc 6
Personal Performance 3. 35.32 Calli M Blackwater Barracudas 6
4. 36.18 Emily H ROCKY CITY 6
5. 37.28 Keeley S Emu Park SC Inc 6
Personal Performance 6. 39.65 Hayley V Caribeae Rocky Crocs 5
7. 42.60 Maggie D Emu Park SC Inc 6
8. 43.41 Olivia G Mt Larcom Swimming Club Inc 6
9. 51.53 Katie H Caribeae Rocky Crocs 6
10. 54.63 Isabella W Caribeae Rocky Crocs 6
11. 55.64 Ailani W Yeppoon Swim Club 5
12. 57.55 Claire F Caribeae Rocky Crocs 6
13. 1:02.26 Tessa C Yeppoon Swim Club 5
14. 1:04.56 Georgia S Emu Park SC Inc 5
15. 1:09.91 Jade H Caribeae Rocky Crocs 4
16. 1:13.03 Layla S Caribeae Rocky Crocs 6
17. 1:14.56 Grace M ROCKY CITY 5
Meet Results
