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Event Results Bolles Invitational Feb 2007

Events Bolles Invitational Feb 2007
Girl's 8 years and under
25y Backstroke
50y Backstroke
25y Breaststroke
50y Breaststroke
25y Butterfly
50y Butterfly
25y Freestyle
50y Freestyle

February swim meets
Friday, 9 February 2007 to Sunday, 11 February 2007
Cecil Aquatics
Girl's 8 years and under 25m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 18.23 Sherridon D Spartan Aquatic Club (FL) 8
2. 21.52 Raphaelle H Unattached 8
Personal Performance 3. 21.56 Bridgette M Southside Athletic Club 7
Personal Performance 4. 21.58 Marcella R Gator Swim Club 7
5. 22.25 Abby F North Florida Swimming, Inc. 8
6. 22.54 Anisa V North Florida Swimming, Inc. 7
7. 22.57 Rhiannon O North Florida Swimming, Inc. 8
Personal Performance 8. 22.59 Abi W The Bolles School Sharks 7
Personal Performance 9. 23.16 Bree B Gator Swim Club 8
10. 23.20 Grace D Eagle Harbor Swim Association 7
11. 24.06 Abigail N The Bolles School Sharks 8
12. 24.26 Joslyn B Unattached 8
Personal Performance 13. 24.55 Estell Q The Bolles School Sharks 8
14. 25.67 Samantha B The Bolles School Sharks 8
15. 25.96 Alex N Ormond Holly Hill Otters 7
Personal Performance 16. 26.48 Makayla M Ormond Holly Hill Otters 8
Personal Performance 17. 26.53 Kim N Gator Swim Club 7
Personal Performance 18. 26.73 Rachel S The Bolles School Sharks 7
Personal Performance 19. 26.74 Emily G The Bolles School Sharks 7
20. 26.95 Jamie P North Florida Swimming, Inc. 7
Personal Performance 21. 27.06 Casey G The Bolles School Sharks 8
Personal Performance 22. 27.15 Melinda A The Bolles School Sharks 8
Personal Performance 24. 28.36 Sadie U Gator Swim Club 6
25. 28.44 Julia K North Florida Swimming, Inc. 6
Personal Performance 26. 28.77 Abigail G The Bolles School Sharks 6
27. 28.91 Beatrice D Gator Swim Club 8
Personal Performance 28. 29.16 Brooke O The Bolles School Sharks 8
29. 29.69 Lauren T The Bolles School Sharks 7
30. 30.35 Emma L Gator Swim Club 6
31. 31.26 Caroline C Gator Swim Club 6
Personal Performance 32. 31.91 Sierra H YMCA Team Orlando 5
Personal Performance 33. 35.85 Blythe H The Bolles School Sharks 7
Personal Performance 34. 43.33 Hannah R Eagle Harbor Swim Association 6
Meet Results
