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Event Results BD A day at the races April 29th

Events BD A day at the races April 29th
Mixed 7 to 8 years
25y Backstroke
25y Breaststroke
25y Butterfly
25y Freestyle

April swim meets
Saturday, 29 April 2006
Oviedo Aquatic Complex 148 S. Division st
Mixed 7 to 8 years 25m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 17.75 Caroline O Piranha Aquatics Trinidad& Tob 8
Personal Performance 2. 19.07 Julie C BLUE DOLFINS 7
Personal Performance 3. 19.92 HANAKO W BLUE DOLFINS 8
4. 20.47 Sergio Q BLUE DOLFINS 8
Personal Performance 5. 22.05 Steve S Trinity Prep Aquatics 8
6. 22.33 Cindy W BLUE DOLFINS 7
7. 23.78 Liam E Trinity Prep Aquatics 8
8. 26.15 Savannah G Trinity Prep Aquatics 7
Personal Performance 9. 31.07 Shelby K BLUE DOLFINS 8
Meet Results
