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Event Results 3rd Jax50 Sprint Challenge

Events 3rd Jax50 Sprint Challenge
Girl's 9 to 10 years
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly

April swim meets
Friday, 20 April 2012 to Saturday, 21 April 2012
The Bolles School
Girl's 9 to 10 years 50m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 43.27 Ashlynn N The Bolles School Sharks 9 245
2. 44.45 Isabelle A The Bolles School Sharks 10 226
Personal Performance 3. 44.77 Jessica R The Bolles School Sharks 10 221
Personal Performance 4. 44.84 Mia T The Bolles School Sharks 10 220
5. 45.27 Carson R North Florida Swimming, Inc. 10 214
Personal Performance 6. 45.50 Riley H The Bolles School Sharks 10 210
Personal Performance 7. 45.83 Brooke J The Bolles School Sharks 10 206
Personal Performance 8. 46.00 Inge V The Bolles School Sharks 10 204
Personal Performance 9. 47.91 Allie B The Bolles School Sharks 10 180
Personal Performance 10. 49.24 Karaline G The Bolles School Sharks 10 166
11. 50.45 Lauren T The Bolles School Sharks 9 154
12. 54.04 Landon E The Bolles School Sharks 10 126
Personal Performance 13. 54.16 Cassidy G The Bolles School Sharks 9 125
Personal Performance 14. 54.21 Samantha M The Bolles School Sharks 10 124
15. 54.74 Elysia A The Bolles School Sharks 9 121
Personal Performance 16. 56.87 Rachel W The Bolles School Sharks 10 108
Meet Results
