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Event Results Friday Night at the Races July Meet

Events Friday Night at the Races July Meet
Girl's 9 to 10 years
50m Backstroke
100m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
100m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
100m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle

July swim meets
Friday, 6 July 2007
FGCU / Lee County Aquatic Cenetr
Girl's 9 to 10 years 50m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 35.37 Lauren M GULF COAST SWIM TEAM 10
Personal Performance 2. 36.02 Amy A Swim Florida 10
Personal Performance 3. 38.56 Samantha W Swim Florida 10
Personal Performance 4. 38.89 Alyssa P Swim Florida 10
Personal Performance 5. 39.78 Melissa A Southwest Florida Aquatics 10
Personal Performance 6. 40.62 Michelle W GULF COAST SWIM TEAM 9
Personal Performance 7. 41.08 Lizzie W Swim Florida 9
Personal Performance 8. 41.60 Adrianna C Swim Florida 10
Personal Performance 9. 42.04 Kaitlyn H GULF COAST SWIM TEAM 9
Personal Performance 10. 42.87 Gabriele C Swim Florida 10
11. 46.37 Samantha H Swim Florida 9
12. 47.76 Alexis P Swim Florida 9
Personal Performance 13. 48.43 Megan K Swim Florida 9
Personal Performance 14. 49.04 Grace G Swim Florida 9
15. 49.09 Gina M Swim Florida 9
16. 49.39 Olivia H GULF COAST SWIM TEAM 9
Personal Performance 17. 51.77 Alexis R GULF COAST SWIM TEAM 9
Personal Performance 18. 54.39 Samantha M GULF COAST SWIM TEAM 10
Meet Results
