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Event Results 3rd Jax50 Sprint Challenge

Events 3rd Jax50 Sprint Challenge
Girl's 11 to 12 years
50m Backstroke
100m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
100m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
100m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
50y Freestyle
100m Freestyle

April swim meets
Friday, 20 April 2012 to Saturday, 21 April 2012
The Bolles School
Girl's 11 to 12 years 50m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 34.04 Abi W The Bolles School Sharks 12 502
Personal Performance 2. 36.45 Lillian S North Florida Swimming, Inc. 12 409
Personal Performance 3. 37.18 Isabella W North Florida Swimming, Inc. 12 386
4. 37.22 Carli T The Bolles School Sharks 12 384
Personal Performance 5. 37.47 Nicole S The Bolles School Sharks 11 377
Personal Performance 6. 37.63 Kensey M The Bolles School Sharks 12 372
Personal Performance 7. 37.78 Alice G The Bolles School Sharks 12 367
Personal Performance 8. 37.88 Makayla P The Bolles School Sharks 12 365
Personal Performance 9. 39.62 Molly S North Florida Swimming, Inc. 11 319
Personal Performance 10. 40.07 Molly V YMCA of Florida's First Coast 12 308
Personal Performance 11. 40.14 Katherine B The Bolles School Sharks 11 306
Personal Performance 12. 41.12 Taylor R YMCA of Florida's First Coast 11 285
Personal Performance 13. 41.31 Emily R The Bolles School Sharks 11 281
14. 41.42 Ellie B The Bolles School Sharks 11 279
Personal Performance 15. 42.59 Brecca H The Bolles School Sharks 11 256
16. 43.34 Solviegh S The Bolles School Sharks 12 243
Personal Performance 17. 43.99 Caden H The Bolles School Sharks 11 233
Personal Performance 18. 44.24 Jane S The Bolles School Sharks 11 229
Personal Performance 19. 44.66 Anna S The Bolles School Sharks 11 222
Personal Performance 20. 45.27 Toni R The Bolles School Sharks 11 214
Personal Performance 21. 45.38 Xaviana S The Bolles School Sharks 11 212
22. 46.11 Annika D The Bolles School Sharks 11 202
23. 47.58 Grace H YMCA of Florida's First Coast 11 184
24. 47.76 Amanda M The Bolles School Sharks 12 182
25. 47.78 Elizabeth A The Bolles School Sharks 11 182
Personal Performance 26. 48.11 Lauren P The Bolles School Sharks 12 178
27. 49.23 Brianna H YMCA of Florida's First Coast 11 166
28. 49.92 Lilli M The Bolles School Sharks 12 159
Personal Performance 29. 52.27 Emily V YMCA of Florida's First Coast 12 139
30. 53.65 Khelsey P The Bolles School Sharks 11 128
Meet Results
