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Event Results Dimbulah Family Meet 30.01.11

Events Dimbulah Family Meet 30.01.11
Women's 14 years and over
50m Backstroke
100m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
100m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
100m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle

January swim meets
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Women's 14 years and over 50m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 38.54 Meaghan H Marlin Coast 15 346
2. 39.31 Christina H Edge Hill Tiger Sharks 14 326
Personal Performance 3. 40.02 Reegan P Mareeba SC Inc 14 309
4. 40.45 Candice M Mareeba SC Inc 15 299
Personal Performance 5. 42.01 Kai P Mareeba SC Inc 14 267
Personal Performance 6. 42.12 Sarah H Marlin Coast 15 265
Personal Performance 7. 42.61 Sophia P Atherton 16 256
Personal Performance 8. 44.00 Kate G Cairns Stingrays SC Inc 14 233
Personal Performance 9. 44.70 Kathalene M Atherton 14 222
Personal Performance 10. 46.54 Zoe K Atherton 14 197
11. 50.42 Holly S Edge Hill Tiger Sharks 14 155
Personal Performance 12. 50.79 Rachael S Mareeba SC Inc 14 151
Meet Results
