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Event Results 2019 Victorian School Associations Competitio

Events 2019 Victorian School Associations Competitio
Men's 17 years and over
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
4x50m Backstroke
4x50m Breaststroke
4x50m Butterfly
4x50m Freestyle
4x50m Medley

May swim meets
Monday, 13 May 2019
Event # 24 Men's 17 years and over 50m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 27.94 Hayden L Associated Public Schools 17 634
2. 28.13 Jy M SEISA 17 621
Personal Performance 3. 29.08 Jesse N Eastern Independnt School Melb 18 562
4. 29.48 Jackson L AGSV 17 540
Personal Performance 5. 29.54 Joshua B Ballarat Associated Schools 18 536
Personal Performance 6. 30.46 Justin B Associated Catholic Colleges 17 489
Personal Performance 7. 32.11 Jye B ICCES 16 418
8. 32.13 Che T ACS 17 417
9. 32.53 Lachlan J Southern Independent Schools 18 402
10. 32.57 Sam Y Geelong Independant Schools Sp 17 400
Personal Performance 11. 33.50 Jack O SACCSS 17 368
12. 41.85 Dante C CSEN 17 189
Meet Results
