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Event Results Gulf January Open 2016 BTA

Events Gulf January Open 2016 BTA
Girl's 6 years and under
25y Backstroke
50y Backstroke
25y Breaststroke
50y Breaststroke
25y Butterfly
25y Freestyle
50y Freestyle
100y Freestyle

January swim meets
Saturday, 9 January 2016 to Sunday, 10 January 2016
Kingwood High School
Girl's 6 years and under 25m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 26.71 Hayley Jordan B Blue Tide Aquatics 6
Personal Performance 2. 28.88 Ainsley W Blue Tide Aquatics 5
Personal Performance 3. 28.94 Sophia C Spring Swim Team 5
4. 30.19 Abbrianna C Spring Swim Team 6
Personal Performance 5. 30.48 Molly L Blue Tide Aquatics 6
Personal Performance 6. 32.41 Josephine V Spring Swim Team 6
7. 32.94 Kaila K Northeast Houston Aquatics 6
Personal Performance 8. 35.30 Carli T Spring Swim Team 6
9. 36.19 Velise W Eagle Pointe Stingrays 6
Meet Results
