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Event Results Seminole Aquatics' A Day at the Races

Events Seminole Aquatics' A Day at the Races
Mixed 9 to 10 years
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle

April swim meets
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Larry A. Dale Aquatic Center
Mixed 9 to 10 years 50m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 33.82 Katarina S Seminole Aquatics 10
2. 34.29 Blake W BLUE DOLFINS 10
Personal Performance 3. 38.03 Sydney N BLUE DOLFINS 10
4. 40.06 Grace G BLUE DOLFINS 10
Personal Performance 5. 41.27 Madison C BLUE DOLFINS 10
Personal Performance 6. 41.72 Noah E Seminole Aquatics 9
7. 42.08 Eric D BLUE DOLFINS 10
Personal Performance 8. 43.88 Payton P Seminole Aquatics 10
9. 45.37 Danielle K BLUE DOLFINS 10
Personal Performance 10. 47.06 Erik F Seminole Aquatics 9
11. 47.74 Ryan A Seminole Aquatics 10
Personal Performance 12. 47.88 Jamie G Seminole Aquatics 9
Personal Performance 13. 48.26 Alex K BLUE DOLFINS 9
Personal Performance 14. 50.23 Haley K Ormond Holly Hill Otters 10
Personal Performance 14. 50.23 Erin T Seminole Aquatics 10
16. 54.56 Andy R Seminole Aquatics 9
Personal Performance 17. 57.91 Ahmed K BLUE DOLFINS 10
18. 1:05.51 Jaylin M Ormond Holly Hill Otters 10
Personal Performance 19. 1:09.64 Ethan S BLUE DOLFINS 9
Meet Results
