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Event Results M N Short Course Time Trials 2013

Events M N Short Course Time Trials 2013
Women's 13 years and over
100m Backstroke
200m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
100m Butterfly
200m Butterfly
100m Freestyle
200m Freestyle
200m Medley

June swim meets
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Women's 13 years and over 200m Medley
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 2:28.98 Sidney T Ivanhoe Neons 16 585
Personal Performance 2. 2:38.98 Joanna P Aquajets Swimming Club 13 481
3. 2:39.65 Hannah D Richmond Swim Club 15 475
Personal Performance 4. 2:43.27 Sophie A Aquajets Swimming Club 16 444
Personal Performance 5. 2:43.74 Grace P Ivanhoe Neons 14 441
6. 2:44.84 Tara T Ivanhoe Neons 15 432
Personal Performance 7. 2:47.08 Emily J Yarra Plenty Waves 14 415
8. 2:54.52 Kira M Ivanhoe Neons 14 364
9. 2:54.67 Amy D DVE Aquatic 14 363
10. 3:14.40 Darby L Ivanhoe Neons 13 263
Meet Results
