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Event Results 2018 TWST Halloween Open

Events 2018 TWST Halloween Open
Girl's 6 years and under
25m Backstroke
25m Breaststroke
25m Butterfly
25m Freestyle

October swim meets
Saturday, 13 October 2018 to Sunday, 14 October 2018
CISD Natatorium
Girl's 6 years and under 25m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 20.68 Amelia B The Woodlands Swim Team 6
Personal Performance 2. 20.95 Trinity W Eagle Swim Association 6
3. 23.13 Cecile A Blue Tide Aquatics 6
4. 23.20 Viviana C The Woodlands Swim Team 6
Personal Performance 5. 24.89 Lucy S Eagle Swim Association 5
6. 25.09 Reese Y Sienna Plantation Aquatics 6
Personal Performance 7. 26.91 Marie B The Woodlands Swim Team 6
Personal Performance 8. 27.90 Allison R The Woodlands Swim Team 5
Personal Performance 9. 28.89 Laila C Sienna Plantation Aquatics 6
Personal Performance 10. 28.91 Willa G The Woodlands Swim Team 6
11. 30.39 Lucy L Blue Tide Aquatics 5
12. 30.78 Srishti T Sienna Plantation Aquatics 6
13. 30.93 Ava B The Woodlands Swim Team 5
14. 34.37 Lauren C Sienna Plantation Aquatics 5
15. 34.38 Avery M The Woodlands Swim Team 5
16. 37.45 Jordyn C The Woodlands Swim Team 5
17. 40.89 Juliana E The Woodlands Swim Team 5
18. 44.69 Raegan M Oak Forest 5
19. 50.00 Sarah A Swim Ohana 6
20. 55.45 Emme G Eagle Swim Association 5
21. 1:02.53 Lillianna or Li V Blue Tide Aquatics 4
Meet Results
