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Event Results Bolles Sprint Explosion 2008

Events Bolles Sprint Explosion 2008
Women's Open
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
100m Butterfly
50m Freestyle

April swim meets
Friday, 25 April 2008
The Bolles School
Women's Open 100m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 1:12.36 Victoria R The Bolles School Sharks 17 547
2. 1:13.85 Mariah S The Bolles School Sharks 15 515
Personal Performance 3. 1:14.19 Jessica E The Bolles School Sharks 16 508
4. 1:14.32 Heather C The Bolles School Sharks 15 505
Personal Performance 5. 1:14.86 Dana N The Bolles School Sharks 16 494
6. 1:15.83 Rebecca S The Bolles School Sharks 15 476
Personal Performance 7. 1:16.39 Elizabeth H The Bolles School Sharks 15 465
8. 1:16.43 Taylor J The Bolles School Sharks 16 464
Personal Performance 9. 1:16.62 Kylee T The Bolles School Sharks 17 461
10. 1:17.05 Lauren N Unattached 15 453
Personal Performance 11. 1:17.71 Tatiani M The Bolles School Sharks 16 442
Personal Performance 12. 1:18.30 Carolyn A The Bolles School Sharks 15 432
Personal Performance 13. 1:18.32 Lynsi C The Bolles School Sharks 16 432
14. 1:18.78 Annie Y The Bolles School Sharks 15 424
Personal Performance 15. 1:20.22 Gwen V The Bolles School Sharks 16 402
Personal Performance 16. 1:22.64 Jennifer N The Bolles School Sharks 16 367
17. 1:26.29 Jessica F CAMDEN COUNTY BOOMERS SWIMCLUB 17 323
Meet Results
