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Event Results June 26th Age Group Meet

Events June 26th Age Group Meet
Girl's 8 years and under
25m Backstroke
25m Breaststroke
25m Butterfly
25m Freestyle
50m Freestyle

June swim meets
Saturday, 26 June 2004
Girl's 8 years and under 25m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
1. 20.55 Kristen R Trinity Prep Aquatics 8
Personal Performance 2. 21.00 Ashley H Highlander Aquatics 8
Personal Performance 3. 23.06 Claudia J Tampa Bay Aquatics 7
4. 23.16 Michelle T Tampa Bay Aquatics 7
Personal Performance 5. 23.22 Rainamei L Marlin Swim Club 8
Personal Performance 6. 23.67 KARA V Marlin Swim Club 8
Personal Performance 7. 24.33 Michelle S Trinity Prep Aquatics 10
8. 25.67 Paola H Marlin Swim Club 8
9. 26.28 Lauren B Tampa Bay Aquatics 7
10. 28.11 Savannah R Highlander Aquatics 7
Personal Performance 11. 30.41 Kirbie A Seminole Aquatics 8
12. 32.64 Brook S Tampa Bay Aquatics 7
13. 35.06 Rachel W Tampa Bay Aquatics 7
Meet Results
