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Event Results Perth City Club Night LC3

Events Perth City Club Night LC3
Mixed Open
50m Backstroke
200m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
100m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle

February swim meets
Friday, 7 February 2020
Perth College
Mixed Open 200m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 2:37.72 Tahlia C City of Perth 16 487
2. 2:45.28 Chloe C City of Perth 15 423
3. 2:47.07 Kon S City of Perth 14 301
Personal Performance 4. 2:47.37 Gianluca F City of Perth 14 299
Personal Performance 5. 2:53.52 Stella F City of Perth 13 365
Personal Performance 6. 2:55.97 Filippos S City of Perth 12 257
7. 2:57.00 Ramon A City of Perth 14 253
8. 3:00.34 Nathan D City of Perth 16 239
9. 3:04.09 Flynn C City of Perth 13 225
Personal Performance 10. 3:08.49 Rhiannon D City of Perth 12 285
Personal Performance 11. 3:23.56 Charlie C City of Perth 11 226
12. 3:24.02 Youssef M City of Perth 11 165
13. 3:30.95 Thomas G City of Perth 11 149
14. 3:41.22 Georgia E City of Perth 11 176
15. 3:53.20 Dominic D City of Perth 10 111
16. 4:02.48 Michelagniolo B City of Perth 11 98
Meet Results
