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Event Results Area 2 Championships

Events Area 2 Championships
Girl's 8 years and under
25m Backstroke
25m Breaststroke
25m Butterfly
25m Freestyle
100m Medley

July swim meets
Saturday, 15 July 2006 to Sunday, 16 July 2006
Girl's 8 years and under 25m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 16.61 HANNAH H Winter Haven High School 8
Personal Performance 2. 18.56 Alyssa H Central Florida Marlins 8
Personal Performance 3. 18.77 HANAKO W BLUE DOLFINS 8
4. 18.91 ANN H Fast Lane Aquatics 8
Personal Performance 5. 19.37 Brenna W UN CCS 8
Personal Performance 6. 19.56 Valentina D Piranha Aquatics Trinidad& Tob 8
Personal Performance 7. 19.83 Chloe R Fast Lane Aquatics 8
Personal Performance 8. 19.85 Galina N Central Florida YMCA Racing 8
Personal Performance 9. 20.41 Maggie M Trinity Prep Aquatics 8
10. 20.89 Rachel G Seminole Aquatics 7
11. 21.31 Brooke W Winter Haven High School 8
12. 21.47 Hannah M Piranha Aquatics Trinidad& Tob 8
Personal Performance 13. 22.80 Sophie R Fast Lane Aquatics 6
Personal Performance 14. 22.84 Mackenzie G Piranha Aquatics Trinidad& Tob 7
Personal Performance 15. 23.25 Lauren B Central Florida YMCA Racing 6
Personal Performance 16. 23.30 Bailee B Central Florida Marlins 7
Personal Performance 17. 24.40 Heaven D Winter Haven High School 7
Personal Performance 18. 24.54 Simone G Winter Haven High School 8
Personal Performance 19. 28.68 Stephanie P Central Florida Marlins 7
Meet Results
