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Event Results Central Division 6th Interclub

Events Central Division 6th Interclub
Boy's 8 years and under
50m Backstroke
100m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle

February swim meets
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Boy's 8 years and under 50m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 40.83 Patrick J Albury North Lavington Swim Club 9 135
2. 51.10 Jack M Albury Amateur Swim Club 9 69
Personal Performance 3. 53.19 Henry L Wangaratta Swimming Club 8 61
Personal Performance 4. 55.99 Jake W Albury North Lavington Swim Club 8 52
Personal Performance 5. 58.57 Patrick R Albury North Lavington Swim Club 8 46
Personal Performance 6. 1:03.13 Jack D Corowa AS & LSC 8 36
7. 1:10.09 Flynn F Yarrawonga Mulwala 7 27
Meet Results
