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Event Results FKCC ABC Pentathlon County Inviational

Events FKCC ABC Pentathlon County Inviational
Girl's 11 years
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Medley

September swim meets
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Girl's 11 years 50m Butterfly
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 31.64 Stephanie H Metro Aquatic Club of Miami 11
Personal Performance 2. 33.59 Leemor A North Miami Swim Team 11
Personal Performance 3. 33.90 Jessica R South Florida Aquatic Club 11
Personal Performance 4. 34.01 Claudia V Metro Aquatic Club of Miami 11
Personal Performance 5. 34.64 Rosangela M Metro Aquatic Club of Miami 11
Personal Performance 6. 35.68 Jordan C Plantation Swim Team 11
Personal Performance 7. 37.00 Morgan B Bone Island Swim Club 11
Personal Performance 8. 38.57 Emily D Plantation Swim Team 11
Personal Performance 9. 38.79 April M North Miami Swim Team 11
10. 39.01 Marianna R Swim Florida 11
Personal Performance 11. 42.31 Hope S Metro Aquatic Club of Miami 11
12. 48.25 Claudia M AK Sharks 11
13. 49.63 Kristin B Plantation Swim Team 11
14. 1:05.31 Aubry S Bone Island Swim Club 11
Meet Results
