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Event Results Macquarie Shores SC Qualifying Meet

Events Macquarie Shores SC Qualifying Meet
Women's 14 years and over
50m Backstroke
100m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
100m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
100m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle

May swim meets
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Toronto Swim Centre - Toronto
Women's 14 years and over 50m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 32.69 Odette H Kincumber Pacific Dolphins 14 486
2. 33.81 AMY P Singleton Amateur Swim Club 14 439
Personal Performance 3. 36.82 EMILY B Novocastrian Swim Club 14 340
Personal Performance 4. 37.24 Karla V Novocastrian Swim Club 15 329
5. 41.14 Rachael P Boolaroo Speers Point Swimming 15 244
6. 42.03 Jenny S Jamies Swim Club 15 229
Meet Results
