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Event Results Stanthorpe Open meet

Events Stanthorpe Open meet
Men's 8 years and over
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
100m Butterfly
100m Freestyle

February swim meets
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Stanthorpe pool
Men's 8 years and over 100m Butterfly
Time Name Club Age FINA PS AA PS Splits Ranking
1. 1:14.02 Nickolas B Goondiwindi SC Inc 14 305 24
Personal Performance 2. 1:22.65 Lachlan B Goondiwindi SC Inc 12 219 18
3. 1:23.41 Liam M Goondiwindi SC Inc 15 213 1
Personal Performance 4. 1:29.60 Brendan H Allora Swimming Club 11 172 8
Personal Performance 5. 1:31.90 Ben A Stanthorpe AS & Lifesaving Clu 10 159 5
Personal Performance 6. 1:33.55 Mitchell D Goondiwindi SC Inc 10 151 3
7. 2:00.19 George T Fairholme 9 71
Meet Results
