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Event Results 2019/2020 Club Champs

Events 2019/2020 Club Champs
Women's 10 years and over
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
100m Butterfly
200m Freestyle
200m Medley

November swim meets
Friday, 29 November 2019 to Saturday, 30 November 2019
Hampden Street Pool
Women's 10 years and over 200m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
1. 2:16.95 Emily B Nelson South Swimming Club 15 524
Personal Performance 2. 2:23.41 Cate B Nelson South Swimming Club 15 457
Personal Performance 3. 2:24.84 Alexandra G Nelson South Swimming Club 14 443
Personal Performance 4. 2:31.18 Hannah H Nelson South Swimming Club 13 390
Personal Performance 5. 2:32.82 Emily C Nelson South Swimming Club 12 377
Personal Performance 6. 2:38.81 Sophia M Nelson South Swimming Club 13 336
Personal Performance 7. 2:47.22 Lilly C Nelson South Swimming Club 12 288
8. 2:48.82 Olivia H Nelson South Swimming Club 12 280
Personal Performance 9. 2:53.15 Ariah B Nelson South Swimming Club 12 259
10. 2:55.36 Ellinor H Nelson South Swimming Club 14 250
11. 3:08.86 Sophie N Nelson South Swimming Club 15 200
12. 3:25.60 Elise M Nelson South Swimming Club 10 155
13. 3:46.94 Georgia R Nelson South Swimming Club 11 115
Meet Results
