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Relay Results 2023 ACC B Division

Events 2023 ACC B Division
Women's 18 years and under
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
4x50m Freestyle
4x50m Medley

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Thursday, 23 March 2023
HBF Stadium
Splits Graph
Women's 18 years and under 4x50m Freestyle
Time Name Club FINA PS AA PS Splits
1. 2:04.19 Peter Moyes ACS A Peter Moyes ACS
2. 2:09.73
Kolbe Catholic C A
Kolbe Catholic College
3. 2:13.74 Lake Joondalup B A Lake Joondalup Baptist College
4. 2:13.91
St Stephen's Sch A
St Stephen's School - Duncraig
5. 2:17.79
St Brigids Colle A
St Brigids College
6. 2:18.17
Ursula Frayne Ca A
Ursula Frayne College
7. 2:20.12
Corpus Christi C A
Corpus Christi College
8. 2:25.20 Prendiville Cath A Prendiville Catholic College