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Meg L

Time Trial 270511 (27 May 2011) - SC
Current Age: 23 Age at the meet: 10
Club: Kalgoorlie Event # 3 - Open 50m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 49.69 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 102

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Nia Isabela LKWI 49.36
Finnegan VQLD 49.41
Skye FALBA 49.46
Lotte WLML 49.50
Ruby FQLD 49.51
Tori-Grace GQLD 49.54
Dakota MQLD 49.90
Ella MQLD 49.90
Peggy SQLD 49.95
Mitanni PQLD 49.99

Other events at the meet

Open 50m BackstrokeFinal 58.91
Open 50m BreaststrokeFinal 1:12.88
Open 50m ButterflyFinal 1:09.20

Kalgoorlie Swimming Club 10 years 50m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
29 Jun 2002 33.68 Paula S 2002 SLD SC Sprint Carnival
14 Jul 2001 36.25 Kristie D 2001 Kalgoorlie Centenary SC Carnival
26 Aug 2000 36.42 Catherine K 2000 Winter SC Championships
8 Jul 2000 37.19 Catherine K 2000 KALGOORLIE SC
25 Jul 1999 38.44 CLAIRE G 1999 Kalgoorlie Novice SC Carnival
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.