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Georgina G

Immediate competition in 50m Backstroke.

Peri DMJU 40.28
Amelia LNCT 40.29
Elyse MPAQ 40.29
Ava CCAQ 40.29
Jessica SBRW 40.37
Scarlet GVIC 40.37
Chloe RQLD 40.43
Jaimee MROC 40.45
Alex LBUS 40.46
Grace LKAR 40.53

Other events at the meet

Best event for the meet was the 10 years 200m Freestyle.

UWA-West Coast Swimming Club 10 years 50m Backstroke (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
16 Aug 2002 36.57 Georgina P 2002 Hancock FMF State SC
6 Jul 2002 37.41 Georgina P 2002 Albany SC
29 Jun 2002 38.77 Georgina P 2002 SLD SC Sprint Carnival
1 Sep 2001 39.80 Georgina P 2001 State Winter SC Championships
26 Aug 2000 42.19 Meaghan R 2000 Winter SC Championships
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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